If you sell real estate in the San Francisco Bay Area, whether on the peninsula or in the East Bay, the North Bay or the South Bay, you will surely collide with bankruptcy at some point–either on the seller side or on the buyer side. Do you know what to do? Do you know basics of bankruptcy law and how it impacts your ability to sell a property? What happens the moment a bankruptcy case is filed? What is the automatic stay? What is the bankruptcy estate? What is the role and what are the powers of the trustee? What is a motion to employ and what happens if you don’t get one?
The answers to these and many other important questions can be found in “The Real Estate Professional’s Concise Guide to Bankruptcy in the SF Bay Area: How to Make Money and Save Your Bacon When Bankruptcy’s Involved.” (I know, I know, it’s a very long name for such a short book!) I’m James A. Pixton and I’m a bankruptcy attorney. I wrote this book after many years working alongside real estate professionals to get their clients’ property sold. I’ve seen what happens when everyone understands the bankruptcy process, and I’ve seen the problems that can occur if they don’t.
“The Concise Guide to Bankruptcy in the SF Bay Area” is available to you without cost or obligation. All you need to do is fill out the information form below. And keep in mind that I’m available to answer questions about bankruptcy and how it might impact your listing. Give me a call at (510) 451-6200 x101.
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